The Architect (Documentary)

The Architect

One of the first documentaries that I had viewed myself was The Architect. This is another one covering how Jewish Supremacy has a strangle hold on American economics, education and economics. It isn’t just America though. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 by the bankers who happen to be Jewish. I am not sure how they were able to convince the majority of the world to sign onto it, that part of history I am still unclear on, but through this system they have complete control over all of our nations with very few exceptions. Islam was one of the exceptions.

I have explained it before, but I want to again. The reason Judea declared war on Germany was because Adolf Hitler was against Usury. This is the concept of developed interests on borrowed money so that over time the borrower owes more than they original took. The idea of interest makes sense, but its intention was to make sure the debtor owes more than they will ever be able to repay. The entire purpose of debt is to have control over ones freedoms. It is debt slavery. So through Usury, Jews have been able to dominate the world. Exactly what they accuse Hitler of doing.

Hitler told the bankers to piss off, and using the debts of the nations and propaganda, they turned the world against Germany. Adolf wanted peace and prosperity for his people, and he was able to achieve that through attaining independence for his nation. Within a mere 6 years he was able to remove Germany’s debt and restore morality to his nation by removing degeneracy from all aspects of his society. Hitler was trying to demonstrate this to the world and hoped that they would catch on, ultimately joining him against the bankers.

So, Hitler is often accused of wanting to take over the world. This is exactly what the Jews wanted to do and still want to do. They are closer than ever now. Islam has made usury illegal, just like Adolf had, and they are currently being destroyed by Israel. This is history repeating itself. Anyway, I am not going to write more about what I have already said in previous posts. I just wanted to present this documentary as I learned a lot from it within a mere 2 hours. Most of the documentaries I post are 6+ hours long. This one will get most people on the right side of history.

This documentary is in 2 parts, but both are combined in one. It is important to name the Jew. They are all in on it. The entire race. They give themselves away with symbology. They have to show you. They wear it on jewelry which is another Jewish creation. Blood diamonds are created with carbon of human bones. They remove the bodies by turning them into souvenirs like serial killers do. The Israel flag is showing the Freemason symbol, as above, so below. Overlapping triangles which are often associated with Pyramids. The Pyramids are said to have once been initiation locations. The Star of David is the Star of Remphan.

They are Luciferians. They worship Lucifer, the Devil, Moloch and evry other name for Satan. The star of Saturn.

X Link: The Architect

The Architect (Part 1 and 2 combined)

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1 thought on “The Architect (Documentary)

  1. Mofobian Post authorReply

    Just found out that this video has an error in it that stops it. I am working on a solution. Sorry.

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