I want to put this one up because it is one of the greatest false flag events in history and is still being used to counter attempts to correct history and justify crimes committed by them. We can all agree that what the Holocaust was in theory is absolutely horrifying and inhumane. It was a sick injustice performed on the Jewish community clearly motivated by hatred and nothing more. It is a curious thing why we so easily accepted it as a factual event in human history.
There have been multiple documentaries created debunking the event with logical facts. When you start to look into it, it doesn’t take long until you know that it was a completely fabricated lie to create an emotional stir in the heart of the public and have us come to their defense without even considering the evidence placed before us. People have been indoctrinated heavily by their own educational system to support this lie.
Everything that questions the Jewish actions and motivations is quickly shut down as anti-semitic and hateful. It should be the first thing we do when investigating anything is confirming the events that it concerns prior to reasoning with the crime committed. Was the Holocaust true? And if it was, was it exclusive to Jews or did it include all races and ethnicities? All creeds and religions? Were the camps truly for execution or were they for prisoners of war to perform labor?
Is it even possible to cremate 6 million corpses in the short duration they did with the amount of chambers that they had? Why do huge influencers continue to come back and confirm that these things were true because they witnessed something that was shown to them by Ben Shapiro at Auschwitz? I think the more important question to ask is how they were able to change their minds. What did these influencers go through after they were isolated at these locations with the Jews?

We have gone over the power of blackmail and how they use it to control our political leaders. It is a fact that they still do it, even if they have to drug the individual, prop them in a compromising position, record or document them and then threaten that person with exposure to the public if they do not support their narrative. All I know is that it is extremely bad and they have been doing it for as long as they have existed. If they can get leverage on somebody that would turn the people against them, that person probably will do anything to keep it from getting out.
So what did they do to Elon Musk when he started to challenge the ADL? An organization that was established in the defense of a Jewish pedophile and still exists today to manufacture fake stories to defend criminals and their entire race? I don’t know, but I implore that everybody continue to expose themselves to this information and decide for themselves what the truth is. This is the most important revelation in all of human history. Gaslighting came from the Holocaust Hoax, and it is exactly what they are doing to us.
I am making an effort to post one documentary a day, today is about the Holocaust. They have not yet passed a law in America to criminalize Holocaust denial, but they are working hard on it. There is no crime in asking questions and asking for evidence. Censorship is meant to keep something from being known, it is the only reason. I used to be heavily against censorship as a child mainly because I wanted to be exposed to everything and I felt like the adults were keeping something from me.
They were, but it was to protect my innocence. That is entirely different, and the censorship is lifted once your mind has matured. These people are Luciferians, who constantly accuse their enemies of their own crimes. It is important to consider that they may have done what they claim was done to them. I used to watch the movies based on the Holocaust and it did cause a stir in emotion in me. That is what they wanted. They wanted us to feel guilty and to sympathize.
They replaced logic with emotion. They have created heart wrenching Hollywood documentaries that are “based on a true-story” to get us believing in their lies. Don’t let them get away with it. It has been happening for centuries. They have finally taken America down with their psychological weapons. They are the masters of propaganda and they created Hollywood for this purpose.
We need to save what remains and kick them back out of our country before it is too late.
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