The Greatest Show On Earth


I am going write an opinion piece, all of them are I guess but this one is concerning our collective future. I am not a MAGA member, I try to stay out of politics but I got heavily involve within the last 2 years shortly after breaking up with my fiancée. That was a sad story but it had to end, it wasn’t safe for either of us to continue. The break up happened in October of 2022, and early in November the following month I got in a terrible car accident. This is not supposed to be my life story, but it needs to be mentioned to explain how I ended up studying politics, and it does directly tie in with my relationship.

While I was bedridden in the hospital with a broken spine, I started researching a particular kink that my ex turned into her lifestyle. I was brought into the community and I supported her participation, my instinct was to defend it and protect my fiancée for I had fallen in love with her unconditionally. I thought this was the correct behavior to have. She claimed to be autistic, but this was a self-diagnosis and I highly doubt that it was true. Later on she diagnosed herself with Borderline Personality Disorder, and after awhile I realized she was doing this to excuse her behaviors.

I had a suspicion while I was with her that it may be connected with the MK Ultra program, as it seemed to be a defensive mechanism that she developed while in a state of vulnerability. I started to look into it, and sure enough, I found them talking about it within that same community. Almost every single one of them had been sexually traumatized at a very young age. This was an emotional mechanism, when triggered it would cause the brain to regress to an earlier stage of life. I think it takes them back to an age they were prior to the trauma. They become adult toddlers, literally.

While I was researching the MK Ultra project, I learned about Pizzagate. I had heard about it when I was a hardcore gamer but I had no idea what it was about. I learned about the pedophile words used to discuss their activities right in front of us all without us knowing what they were talking about. At the same time I was learning more about economics. Then Epstein was busted. I found fragments of Hunter Biden’s laptop on the deep web and I realized that they were very involved. I learned about Frazzledrip and about what Hillary did with Huma Abedin to a Haitian girl during the Haiti Earthquake disaster.

This is about the time I realized how deep the corruption went, and that it wasn’t those on the bottom who were committing these crimes against humanity. I found out how profitable human trafficking is and I learned what Adrenochrome was. Now that I know all of these things, I see the demons literally everywhere and I feel like we have no chance. I started studying our leaders trying to find out if any of them cared and were trying to do something about it. Every single one of them seemed to be involved. It was a “gate” that you had to pass, which required you to participate in their rituals. It was security.

Trump seemed to be a very odd addition to our political atmosphere, but when I learned that he was good friends with John F. Kennedy and Princess Diana, then I studied those two and found out just how good their hearts were, I realized that Trump may have a very good reason to put a stop to it. During this awakening process I witnessed the documentary Europa: The Last Battle, and I learned how they had lied about Hitler. Then I started connecting the leaders who tried to put a stop to the bankers. John F Kennedy was removed when he attempted to end Usury and have AIPAC registered as a foreign agency.

I learned about the Freemasons, and for awhile I truly thought they were responsible for it all. So who created the Freemasons? It appears they have been around for thousands of years. I heard that Freemasonry was Judaism for Non-Jews. This is when it all started to make sense. They are the bankers, and centralized banking was designed to enslave nations. Every leader who has tried to cut off the banks was smeared in history books and assassinated. I had heard that Trump was part of a military operation, that he had been approached and asked to run for presidency in an attempt to save humanity.

I am worried as Israel is extremely good at what they do, and that is deceive. Trump is currently showing that he is a zionist and all but one of his children are married to a Jew. So his blood is tainted with theirs. There is a clip of Trump saying that there is a club and only he will be able to bring it down. I feel like perhaps Trump knows that he has to deceive them in order to bring them down, because if he was against Israel, they would never let him lead our country. I have my doubts though, and it terrifies me because if Trump was chosen then their plan is working out flawlessly.

Degeneracy is a weapon, look into the Weimar Republic. It was the period after World War 1 and lasted until 1933 when Nazi Germany was established. The Nazis are known to “burn” information, but it wasn’t information that they were burning. They were burning literature on transsexuals and pornography. It was not the Nazis burning them, it was the National Socialists. Transsexuals were a Jewish Occultist creation. Illegal immigration is a weapon, it was used in both World War 1 and World War 2. Alcohol is a weapon, it removes moral boundaries. In other words, we are at war. Welcome to World War 3.

The theory is that what we are currently watching is a performance. That the American people have been lied to for so long, there needs to be a form of reeducation that sweeps across the nation and awakens them to the truth. Q was created to teach people how to research on their own again and not rely on what their government and education system spoon feeds them. It taught people not to trust and only rely on themselves. People were getting lazy and assumed that everything that they were told was truthful, that they did not have the time to validate it. Our government installed “fact checkers” who were designed to enforce the lies.

There was something called the Looking Glass Project which was an external device that stimulated the pineal gland and allowed subjects to choose a time to visit. It would create memories of the future according to the timeline that they wanted to visit, it would create a mental projection of reality of that outcome. It is the most insane project I have ever heard of, straight out of a science fiction movie, but it was real. Apparently our military was using it and they witnessed a timeline that projected a nuclear fall out. The end of our world. The rumor is that Q was created to steer us away from that timeline, but, the machine stopped after 2012, as though there were no timelines past that year.

The Federal Reserve is neither Federal nor a Reserve, but it is the source of our chains. Hitler did not want to rule the world, but the Jews did. We all know about the “New World Order”, and they are the ones who created it. They just need one good pandemic to get the entire world under one government, COVID was a test. Deception is their weapon, writing our history books has given them the power of mind control. They hide behind projection. This video explains it far better than I could. It makes me hopeful that Trump is truly trying to save humanity and restore the constitution.

It explains everything. It is worth your time.

The Greatest Show On Earth

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