The COVID-19 Vaccine was a Bioweapon


This is a very sensitive subject and understandably so. I went from being an anarchist to almost absolutely trusting the government when I started having to work for a living. I was told after being recently employed during the pandemic that I would need to be vaccinated in order to return to work. We got lucky and never had to go back to the offices, but for a minute there I was trying to make a plan to be vaccinated so that I could continue to contribute to the family I had planned on building with my fiancee at the time. That story has ended for some very good reasons but regardless, it put me in a similar position as many Americans who needed their jobs to provide for their families.

They pressured ordinary citizens to become vaccinated when the scare tactics failed to succeed. They had taken our mainstream media completely hostage and had them spewing lies to us non-stop. They started to lie about statistics to make us think that the virus was extremely deadly and were killing people very quickly. They told us to trust the science and then served us their version of it which was entirely fabricated knowing that with our full-time jobs and bills to pay that we did not have the time nor resources to research it ourselves. They paid our favorite musicians and actors to advertise it with a guilt trip that if we didn’t get it we were risking the lives of our loved ones.

They injected many of them, as well as politicians, with a saline replacement to make it appear that they received the vaccine. They deplatformed real doctors and researchers so that their voices could no longer be heard and the people would not be warned. All of the dangers of this vaccine were found out relatively quickly. Most of the videos in the compilation I am going to attach to this post were released within the first year. They were banned and removed, considered misinformation, and Zuckerberg (Jewish) assisted them by censoring his social media network. They knew what they were doing and it served multiple purposes.

The vaccine was filled with plasmid DNA, venoms, viruses and self-assembling nanoparticles that are activated by the 5G spectrum of radiation. The blood clots that we hear so much about are these nanoparticles assembling causing a clot. Every booster thereafter amplified them. They erected 5G towers all over our country during the pandemic, while we were all isolated safely in our homes, and we don’t even have real 5G frequencies right now. They have not been fully activated yet. So what are they for? I have a feeling they are for controlling the population, but we have yet to see that for certain. It was obviously used to weaken all of the countries who would fight back against the New World Order.

If you have the time as this video is about 2 and a half hours long, I think everyone should watch it and understand exactly what the intention of the vaccine was. Bill Gates was the “doctor” of it, he took out a patent based on a concept to use our bodies to create a cryptocurrency. Think about how the CBDC’s may be wired with our bodies to control our finances with every move we make. That patent is called 0606062020 Cryptocurrency system using body activity data. It uses the name of the beast, it is a requirement that they use a symbol or something else that ties them in with the occult. There is a component in the vaccine called Luciferase which is a class of oxidative enzymes that produces bioluminescence. This is the stuff responsible for the glow in organisms such as fireflies.

I don’t want to get too into Cryptocurrencies with this post, but it is somewhat relevant. Bitcoin itself is appearing to have been created and launched by the U.S. Federal Government themselves. It was going through a beta testing phase on the deep web, and we all already know that the politicians are deeply involved in child trafficking. The idea was to test it prior to launching it to replace our current banking system. This would grant them absolute control and total transparency into our lives. We should all know that nothing digitized is absolutely anonymous. Everything leads back to the source, even VPN’s only make it take longer to locate the source. There are rumors that it was used to catch them all, but we haven’t seen the evidence yet.


While I was writing this I was double checking to make sure I was not spreading misinformation myself. A lot of websites claimed that the enzyme is not in the vaccine, and yet, I found another that expressed that it is and why it is. Apparently it would make diagnoses faster. It uses Luciferase to visually confirm if COVID-19 antibodies were being formed. They always have an excuse. I doubt that is the sole reason for it being in the vaccine but lets go ahead and assume they are telling the truth. Regardless of details such as that, nobody has died from COVID. They have died from the vaccine. The inflated numbers regarding COVID deaths were combining pretty much every common death such as the cold into one category.

Hospitals were given financial incentive to mark most, if not all, deaths as being due to COVID. They were also financially rewarded for fully vaccinating an individual. They were paid to kill people with ventilators and mark it as a COVID related death. They euthanized tens of thousands of elderly to boost COVID deaths. The entire pandemic was a fraud. The masks that they were requiring us to wear were making us sick. The weird rules such as staying 6 feet apart were rules they had to obey when they performed occult rituals. Doesn’t this seem a bit off? 9/11 was a massive ritual, a human sacrifice. All of war is a ritual. People don’t just want to kill each other. They give us reasons to.

People are dying from the flu, not a new virus. The vaccine itself destroys the biofield of the body making it weak to radiation. Most illnesses are caused by radiation, not germs. I will go over the Germ Theory when I get a chance. The 5G towers that they erected can potentially target people and eliminate them. I saw a video today showing nanoparticles assemble when exposed to an electrical charge, which a frequency is, and I felt compelled to post this video. Time keeps moving forward and most people are not aware of any of this. This was a giant experiment of compliance and technology. These turbo cancers that people are experiencing are nanoparticles assembling very quickly throughout the body.

Ivermectin, which is often thought of as a horse dewormer, cured the so-called COVID, which I am certain was the flue. Illnesses are caused by parasites and radiation. Cancer might be a parasite and the more that I have researched it, the more convinced that I am. Marijuana is antiparasitic, so if cancer is a parasite, that explains how it helps combat it. The nanoparticles in the vaccine behave like parasites. It appears they can also be treated as though they are parasites. Ivermectin worked and when people started to figure it out, they told us it was dangerous and unsafe or told us that we are idiots for trying it.

They would rather call a cancer death a COVID death anyway, but it was actually a vaccine death. Vaccinated bodies give off bluetooth signals, people could potentially physically pair with a machine. Or they could send information to your cells. They could retrieve information from your cells. Perhaps even read your mind. They could do software upgrades to your body. The human body can be hacked. I rambled with this one, I mostly just wanted to show everyone these banned videos. They tell the story far better than I could. The vaccine is not a vaccine. They call the assembly of these nanoparticles Teslaphoresis.

People need to know what they have done to us. We must never trust them again.

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