This is a pretty important subject, actually, as Hip Hop was an industry used to introduce degeneracy through popular culture. It will be a sensitive subject for some, but it needs to be discussed. P. Diddy has been exposed as being what we call “The Epstein of the Rap industry”. He produces a lot of other artists, including Eminem. He hosts parties in houses that are covered with surveillance to encourage people to participate in illegal activities to blackmail them into submission. One artist in particular, Justin Bieber, was exploited while he was still a child. Which means he potentially was an MK Ultra victim.
We have heard a few artists speak out about it and how they thought the requirements to be successful in the industry were not worth it. That they were told this would be a way to help their families financially and that the world would look up to them. It would come with fame, fortune, and control. It has to be realized that these individuals are all victims, but the way that it works is that it creates predators out of the victims to perpetuate the corruption. We must see every individual in a powerful position as someone who may have a history that is being used to control them.
I feel especially bad for Justin Bieber as it does appear he has been trying to be vocal about it. He has dropped crumbs and he has acted out in wreckless ways to bring attention to him. Now he has a step-father, Stephen Baldwin, which if I am not mistaken is the brother of Alec Baldwin, who seems to want to expose what has happened to Justin and does want to seek revenge. The Hip Hop industry was targeted because it existed in a lower income bracket who usually had a lot of trauma in their lives that may have been passed down through generations.
Eminem has a lot of influence on the white communities which gives them access to their minds. Justin Bieber has an influence on young girls who provides them with victims. Their voices travel further and they have stronger impacts on societies perspective in politics. This is all about control. There are theories that P. Diddy is actually a federal agent infiltrating the MK Ultra programs and gathering intelligence on the inner workings of the secret societies, but I do not know if we can trust that. It seems he is the one who initiated Bieber into the industry, which means he is a part of the problem.
I do believe that this this enemy can only be defeated through infiltration, it is the same way they gained control over the world. They did it with patience, they did it by exploiting Christian faith, they did it by targeting our heart strings. They gained power through emotion. It has gotten so bad that we have decided to ignore facts and evidence, to disregard history and reputation, to ignore bloodlines and association to feel bad for someone and ignore their crimes. Many of these men may have changed their ways in the end, but it doesn’t take away what they have already done.
Innocence cannot be returned. I think the biggest victims are their children. We are witnessing it now in the open. Celebrities children are being inverted, as in boys are being turned into girls, and girls are being turned into boys. This is the biggest joke that was promoted through Jewish propaganda and we have fallen for it. We are allowing it to happen. Celebrities doing it to their children tell parents that somehow it is okay to do it to their own. Adults should not be vulnerable to this kind of influence. I really don’t understand how it got this bad. These children are castrated and are unable to have children of their own.
It is not only HIp Hop, each one of these influential industries will need to be spoken about, but someone had created a documentary focused on this, and they want us to spread it to help people wake up. Remember that their goal is to poison, corrupt and destroy Aryan blood. This is about destroying the White lineage. This is also why they are trying to promote women to marry black men. That is also a difficult discussion as people will automatically associate it with racism. I agree that you should be allowed to love whomever you want without needing the approval of society.
This documentary brings up the practice of Sodomy, which I have talked about before but I don’t think I express it correctly. There are theories that because this is the incorrect method of reproduction, it opens a portal into another dimension and ushers in a demonic spirit. The do this to young children because it splits their personality into two, which makes me wonder if this demonic spirit is actually sharing the same body. With triggers they can bring out this other personality, its purpose being a defense mechanism to handle pain, both physical and emotional, for the primary host of the corpse. Satanism is opposite of what God teaches. It is the entire point.
It is crazy to think about, but it makes sense after you look into it long enough. Rap artists are vocally against homosexuality, but it seems they are all homosexuals. Eminem just released another album, which he has called Lucifer. Most of us really liked Eminem when I was growing up, but he seems to be one of their all-stars for promoting degeneracy. Most of us laughed when we heard the word Illuminati, but it turns out that it is a very real extension of the Freemasons. As soon as they have us all accepting homosexuality and transgenderism, the sooner they can legalize pedophilia and turn us into another Weimar Republic.
LGBTQ is a Jewish creation. It was the books that the National Socialists were burning. The Nazis were NOT the National Socialists. What does the Bible say? “Gain the whole world, but lose your soul”, what do you think it costs these celebrities who to the general public, have it all? Each of them had to provide a sacrifice in blood. Some of the have inverted themselves, most of them have lost a child.
Anyway, I am going to let this documentary do the rest of the talking.
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