So About Satanism And The History Of Satanic Panic (Documentary)

Satanic Panic

I am going to begin touching on the Secret Societies and their purpose with this one. They all tie in with Judaism and it is about Satanism. I thought this documentary gave a pretty good overview and serves as a great introduction into this well of knowledge. It goes over historical influencers (celebrities), their crimes, their initiations and their symbolism. Most of us have been tricked into participating without even knowing about it.

They have people who enjoy rock’n’roll throwing up the Devil horns to show their love for the music. However, that isn’t the origins of the symbol nor the intention. It has us mindlessly showing allegiance to the occult. However, when we see large voices such as Taylor Swift throwing it around, she isn’t doing it for the music. She is casting spells on her fans. She is condemning them. We will get into frequencies as well and how powerful they are. They are what creates what we call magic. Frequencies are what creates everything, Every single thing in our reality is operating on a frequency, including our souls. It is like WiFi.

One of the rules of Satanism is that they have to tell us or show us what they are going to do. They sneak hints into music, movies, artwork and literature. So long as they told us somehow, it relieves them of the guilt. It is consent. They still believe in karma, but if they can trick us, the sin is ours and not theirs. They sneak these tactics into stories such as vampires, as they could not come in without an invitation. You have to invite them in. You have to consent to the abuse. It is not just superstition though. It is biological. Sodomy opens the doorway to hell in theory.

BDSM is common practice in the bedroom to amplify sexual pleasure. I used to understand it as a comparison, such as love and hate, you must know hate to love. Pain before pleasure makes it stronger. It is more than that though. It directs the energies in your body and causes chemical reactions that can provoke power. Not only that, it is the strongest natural motivator and it can be used to control people. A lot of this is theoretical of what I have learned but it makes sense. Opposites. Up and down, west and east, left and right, heaven and hell, good and evil, life and death, love and hate, heterosexuality and homosexuality.

Part of the Freemason initiation ritual is anal penetration. Satanism operates opposite of Godliness, or evil is opposite of good. I have a lot on dimensions as well, how they are accessed and the doorways that they open. Heaven and Hell are dimensions. Anal penetration of a girl or boy between the ages of 3 and 6 splits their personalities. It causes schizophrenia. Like ying and yang, it opens a portal and ushers in a spirit to occupy the same body. It is birthing through the anal orifice, It creates trauma in the child and by using MK Ultra they can control their minds by exploiting their trauma. The victims tend to perpetuate the trauma.

What I have read by Freemason whistleblowers is that the trauma is caused by striking the nerve located at the end of your spine. This would be the tail of your central nervous system. In doing so the childs personality splits in two, which is a defense mechanism to handle the trauma. They will forget about the act, but their other personality will not. It continues to torment them in sleep and depending on the environment it was done in, it can be triggered. Excuse me if the structure of this article begins to lose its direction, I keep updating it with more information that I have.

Through triggers they can awaken their other personality. A lot of our school shooters were subjects of this project. It is very sick, and it gives reason to why they sexually molest children. I am not trying to find the reason for it, as it is simply an awful thing that must be stopped, but it is more than just the pursuit of pleasure. They are recruiting, This also gives reason why they are pushing LGBTQ so strongly in our societies. It is increasing their numbers. I need to stop talking about this, it is a massive subject but a sensitive one when it gets into sexualities. It has nothing to do with love and following your heart.

Learn More About The Best Kept Secret of Freemasonry: Sodomy

There is a reason we were taught by our holy books to reject temptation or we will become a victim. Energies is another topic we will cover, for now I am just getting everyone caught up on the truth about this world. There is simply far too much to cover for me to do it alone, all I am trying to do is get people interested and to begin researching this for themselves. It is terribly important that people begin to learn the truth, as we are nearing the finale. Satan is real, which means so is God.

Here is what I wrote on X:

X Link: So About Satanism and The History of Satanic Panic

This is a very thorough documentary about Satanism. When it started, where it came from, what its purpose is, and how far it has come. The Devil is among us, and his Legion has almost relinquished his throne. I want to be hopeful, but it seems to me it may be too late for us to overcome.

We are in Satan’s dungeon, and he is playing with our children. They are in the tunnels beneath us. They have cities within the Earth. They keep our kids in cages. They torture them sexually to oxidize their blood and then drink the adrenochrome. When they are done they harvest their organs. They eat pieces of them. They put bits of their flesh in our processed food and feed them back to us.

You were meant to reject your temptations. Your obsessions and your possessions own you. Your greed and lust corrupt you. The drugs and alcohol weaken you. Your health betrays you. They confuse you and give you a reason to hate each other. They deceive you.

Your impulses control you. They made us think Satanism was cool and fun. They made us believe it wasn’t real. We need to unite against this evil together.

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