Pizzagate (Documentary)


When I started posting about child trafficking, I should have started with this documentary. It is said to have been debunked, but the person who did the debunking was busted for child pornography themselves. That continues to happen. Perverted degeneracy appears to be common with the LGBTQ community, as we continue to find out as we move forward and place them in higher political positions. It is very concerning and it is said that the only way to fix the mess that we are in is to completely wipe out all functions of modern society and start over. I firmly believe that to be true.

I saw this documentary much later after my eyes had been opened to the corruption of our government. I had heard about it before when I was a gamer and had no idea what it was actually about. I thought it was a joke involving pizza, I did not even know children were involved. My gamer friends talked about it frequently, but they talked about it like it wasn’t true. The further we go into the future, the more of this that comes true. A huge issue with our current system is even with evidence, no investigations have been made on any of the people involved.

No one has been arrested, no one has been put on trial, no one has been held accountable for putting children through such horrible things. Trump seems to have been the only leader who took it seriously. It appeared that during his term he visited other leaders and every single one of them submitted to him. They were made aware that he possessed the evidence of their crimes, at least that is my theory. The Royal families are involved. One of the first things he stated before the entire world is that he was going to end the horrible practice of human trafficking. He has been actively shutting it down but our media does not cover it.

Justin Bieber

The media is very involved in it, as is hollywood and the music industry. Normally these industries attract less intelligent individuals who lack moral integrity. They are willing to sell their soul if the offer is made to attain fame and fortune. Have you noticed how some of these “stars” go from rags to riches in the matter of weeks? How you heard some of the Hip Hop artists coming forward and saying that it wasn’t worth what it had cost them? Another thing most of them share is a desire to help their families and they would do anything in order to do it.

Most, if not all celebrities have been through a ritual. How it works is that they erected a “gate” that must be removed in order to be successful. To remove the gate is to break your moral boundaries and allow yourself to be documented doing something awful. They hold onto the evidence as leverage to keep you from getting out of control. It will be difficult for you to find someone who isn’t involved. This is a Jewish tactic in origin, to use blackmail for power. There are numerous handlers who gather the evidence and keep it stored, the best example we have is Epstein and Ghislaine.

They invest in influence. Anyway, I just wanted to share the original documentary before moving forward. Please watch it and consider everything. Once you are aware of this, you start seeing it everywhere. I saw this one after I learned about how rampant pedophilia was in our celebrity atmosphere. Your favorite is more than likely involved.

Pizzagate Documentary

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