Pedogate by Mouthy Buddha (Documentary)

Pedo Dog

I am going to begin posting about the Pizzagate conspiracy theory. This is where all of my research had begun. I started researching while I was bedridden in the hospital after a car accident that occurred in November of 2022. A month prior to the car accident I had broken up with my fiancee of 5 years. There were ‘quirks’ or ‘kinks’ in our relationship that therapy could not fix. We tried it, and the therapist focused on me, which made her feel good, but they never took a minute to ask me what was causing this emotional reaction. I touched on the subject after we had broken up, but now they are trying to silence me for it.

I started to study MK Ultra. My ex cited that she suffered from the “Alice in Wonderland” Syndrome. This mental disorder made everything in the subjects perception appear exceptionally larger. It made them feel small. She felt small in a very large universe. Alice in Wonderland is used specifically to develop triggers in MK Ultra subjects. She had an affinity for childish things, and when she was triggered her brain would regress into a childlike state. She perceived the world AS a child, and my position as her romantic partner was to treat her as though she was small.

Once I began looking into it, I asked Google if there was a connection between the Alice in Wonderland syndrome and MK Ultra. I found so many results that suggested that it was part of a more massive MK Ultra operation that affected the general population. Of course, the subjects were required to be traumatized prior to being exposed to the media that would trigger them. The process is normally through sexually related trauma. Rape as an infant, molestation, pain to cause the brain to retract and protect itself. That is where the media comes in. It becomes a defense mechanism.

Robert David Steele

When an individual is triggered in which they feel they need to defend themselves, their brain activates this mechanism and they retreat. Basically, their personality is replaced by one that can handle the pain. So many children are victims to sexual abuse. Once this trauma has been induced, their brain begins to create this defense mechanism. This is a form of mind control and they have been doing it for a very long time. Once I started following these crumbs and I went deeper and deeper into the satanic rituals, I began to understand more and more the things that had directed my life so far.

This documentary is based on the Pizzagate theory, which has turned out to be true. It is still not talked about enough and many people still scream that it is a fake conspiracy theory, but I promise you that it is not. The deep web holds a lot more truth than the clearnet, but when you access it, you will be confronted with a lot of things the ordinary person is not okay with. I don’t like to explore the deep web, but I seek the truth before anything else, including my own safety. I visit the deep web pretty regularly to search for things that are censored from everywhere else.

Mouthy Buddha is someone that I respect for his ability to dig. I am not sure what shovel he is using, but it breaks the ground like nothing else. He goes deep, and I enjoy what he exposes for the rest of us. He is pretty careful not to give a guide to find this content, but he says enough to allow us to understand. He will talk about the Podesta brothers, their artwork, Oprah and her all girls school, Isaac Kappy who was one of the first to blow the whistle on the Satanic blood rituals. All of this is very real, and I am doing my part to help the world begin to see the truth.

Trump versus the Deep State

They are our leaders. Our idols. They are leading the organizations established to protect children. They are in the Child Protection Service, which is more realistically defined as a child trafficking service. Our borders are wide open right now because their favorite products don’t have a birth certificate. These children can disappear and the world won’t even know they existed at all. We are not being told the truth. Recently, more than 2,000 children from Lahaina public schools went missing after the Maui wildfires.

We have it all, but timing is everything and it isn’t time to show the world just yet. We are at the end, however, this should be the year of disclosure. All of it is based in Judaism. You will hear people come to their defense and say “not all of them”, which can be true if it is a Jew by genetics but not spirituality. If they are Jewish spiritually, they are admitting to crimes against humanity and our children. Judaism is the worship of Lucifer. Jews are literally demons. They are presently installing a Jewish leader in every nation.

It is the Secret Societies. It is American Industry. It is our authorities and every 3 letter agency. It is the Non-governmental Organizations (NGO’s). It is our religions such as Catholicism and now Christianity. Judaism is Satanisn/Luciferianism. They are our celebrities and musicians, our politicians and leaders, our charities and humanitarian organizations. Our orphanages, our Doctors, our Lawyers, our Firemen, our military, navy and airforce. Have you heard the tale of two militaries?

It is the Jews.

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