Origins of the Jew

I have once again taken an extended break from updating this website, but I do want to be proactive and to continue to provide resources for people to learn from. I haven’t been aware of the entire truth for too long, I went on a research hiatus when I met my ex-fiancee and absolutely all of my ambitions had been halted. It wasn’t until after another car accident that I began to look into what is really going on in our world. I began with the secret societies, and I quickly learned that they all led me back to the so-called Jews. To fully understand this, I had to purchase a Bible to read on how they were deceiving us. In this post I am going to dive deeply into Biblical scripture, my Bible is The King James version, and I will also post some of the Babylonian Talmud.

I began with Genesis, and in this book I learned about the Israelite bloodline. It begins with Abraham who had a son named Isaac, this son then has two more sons who were Jacob and Esau. God had cursed the bloodline of the Canaanites because they were wicked (Genesis 9:18-29). It isn’t very detailed as to what they did that was so wicked, but it mentions that they lived corrupt lives and practiced detestable things. God is still waiting to fulfill his justice against them, we haven’t entered that part of the story yet in reality. Anyway, Isaac had forbidden his sons from laying with a Canaanite woman to keep their blood pure (Genesis 28). Esau went against his fathers wishes and took one as a wife (Gensis 28:6). What this did was create the Edomites (Esau-Edom).

The Edomites are considered evil, wicked and demonic. Eventually their bloodline mixed with the Turkish of the Khazarians. This created the Khazarian Mafia, or the Khazarian Jews. Their empire originated in the world where Ukraine is now. In the Old Testament, God called the Israelis his people, which would be the offspring of Jacob. That is why the word Jew is associated with Khazarians. In Genesis, Jacob was renamed to Israel, and Esau’s people were referred to as the Synogogue of Satan (Revelations 3:9). This made it so that only Jacobs children were Israelites as his blood remained pure. In The Book of Acts 11:26, the Israelites were renamed to Christian at Antioch, as Christ was the only individual to uphold Gods commandments.

Quotes from the Talmud

Christianity is the evolution of Judaism, as the Judeans rejected Christ as their Messiah and they continued to live corrupt lives. The Jews of the state of Israel are Edomites, who are Satans people (John 8:44). So they are Gods chosen people, just not our God. They worship Lucifer and they do everything in reverse as to directly deceive Gods wishes. Hebrew is a language written right to left, it is the serpents tongue. How the state of Israel was established was by the Bankers who are Khazarians. The Rothschilds purchased the land in Palestine and named it Israel to deceive Christians into thinking they had to defend and support them without asking questions. They are using the Christian faith against them. They are the worlds most moral army (haha).

This context is extremely important to be aware of as not to be deceived. Deception is Satans weapon and we have been lied to for a very long time. The Nazis were composed of the Khazarian Jews. They infiltrated Germanys military and posed as National Socialists. This part of the story confuses people, but the Nazis were the people that Hitler was fighting against, and they are the same people we are dealing with today. Hitler disassociated himself from the Nazis, it was never Hitler and the Nazis. Infiltration is something they do frequently. History has been distorted intentionally by them, and they have admitted to it. I have included a video below that follows the Biblical timeline to explain exactly who they are.

It is imperative to read the Bible if you want the truth. It doesn’t matter what you believe in, because they believe this and that is all that matters. We are their ancient enemy and they want us all dead. There is an organ in the brain that connects us with the spiritual realm. It is called the pineal gland and it is depicted in ancient scripture as a pine cone. This gland receives and interprets frequencies. Every human being has a unique frequency of their own. Through pharmakia and fluoridation they have been calcifying this gland, detaching us from divinity. This gland is also responsible for generating Adrenochrome.

Overview of the Pineal Gland

They have created the germ theory to deceive us. Every single one of us has an electromagnetic field around our bodies that we call the biofield. This field repels harmful frequencies. It is often referred to as the immune system. Illness is caused by malignant frequency and not microscopic organisms. Vaccination disrupts this field and allows harmful frequencies to impress on your body, causing disease and illness. Dr. Royal Rife had cured all disease including cancer in 1933 with his frequency devices. I will need to post a documentary about him soon.

The Pineal Gland is the hormone factory of the human body. Raising your frequency is to increase your ability to repel malignant frequencies. Vaccinations uses aluminum and mercury to cross the brain-blood barrier and compromise the pineal gland. It causes the body to be vulnerable to environmental frequencies. We are surrounded by frequencies, it is an endless stream of information. I’ve touched on frequencies a lot already so I don’t think I need to say too much about them. This wasn’t even supposed to be the subject of this post, but I got carried away.

Tesla knew how to make everything wireless, but he chose to contain these frequencies in wires to protect biological organisms. In recent years we have increased our wireless capabilities and continue to do so. We even have wireless charging now. I personally suggest to everyone if they are able to, keep everything running through wires. Choose to be connected through a cable and don’t use wifi. Don’t use airpods or wireless headsets. Don’t use wireless mice and try your best to minimize that amount of bluetooth devices you use. The COVID vaccination made physical bodies have a bluetooth address.

Their news is fake and so is their science.

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The Origins of the Jew

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