New World Order: Communism by The Backdoor (Documentary)


This documentary was original divided among 21 episodes, but this is all of them combined. It is one of the better ones that I highly recommend people watch. They have been using the Mockingbird media for a very long time to convince us that we are something we are not. To the point where we defend it as such without even thinking about it. America is not a Democracy, but a Constitutional Republic. It is important to call it as such, because one takes the power from the people and the other gives it to them.

This one even touches on Adolf Hitler and Freemasonry. That yes, indeed Adolf had joined the club, but in doing so he learned how they worked and where they were located. He had nearly abolished Freemasonry from Germany. They very quickly returned after Germany was defeated. I will be providing another documentary called The Belly of the Beast that shows how deeply Freemasonry is woven into our societies, and how they control us politically. They are the main enemy.

Albert Pike is probably the most famous members of Freemasonry, of the 33rd degree. This is the top level that they can reach, which means all doors are open to them. However, what is incredibly interesting is that he wrote the plan for the three world wars. As time moves forward, it becomes more and more clear that it is happening exactly as predicted. We are observing the pieces fall into place to begin World War 3 right now.

Freemasonry is easier defined as Judaism for Non-Jews. They study and worship Judaism, including their God Lucifer. They practice black magic and they make human sacrifices to Moloch or another form of their God. They perform sex rituals on each other and children, pedophilia among the Elites is centered around this. It was once believed that they did this with the superstition that it would bring them wealth and high crop yields. Now they do it for fame and influence.

The Secret Societies is an extremely deep subject and it ties directly in with the New World Order. I will be posting a lot about them. Anyway, I highly recommend people watch this one. There is a lot to learn. This was done by the same director as Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told; Dennis Wise. He is extremely detailed and covers most of the lesser known things so that people can catch up. He has a talented storyteller, and I appreciate his contribution to the awakening.

All of these entities lead to Globalism.

X Link: New World Order: Communism by The Backdoor

New World Order: Communism by Backdoor This sensational documentary by Dennis Wise released in 2014 proves beyond doubt that the western countries both “victorious and the defeated” after World War Two have been covertly under Communism since 1945.

New World Order – Communism by backdoor focuses on New World Order and historical information that are related to New World Order. An epic documentary which reveals compelling evidence of how, why and who are responsible for the completion of a plan to enslave us all. Institutions including the United Nations and secret societies, such as freemasonry and the European Union, have all played their part in pursuing their end goal.

Communism By The Backdoor exposes a tangled web of lies and deceit and shows the very people many regard as heroes, as nothing more than traitors.

Dennis Wise

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