Napoleon Bonaparte’s Struggle Against the Rothschilds and Freemasonry (Documentary)


Here is another infamous leader who was smeared due to his rise against the tyrants. I don’t like to continue to call them out as simply “the Jews”, but that is who they have become. The Rothschilds procreated with Jewish bloodline. The Rothschilds were Ashkenazi’s. It is incredibly important for them to keep their bloodline pure and they do that by keeping everything in the family, including sexual relations. I am still learning and do not know how they ended up mixing their blood without breaking this rule, but they did at some point.

Napoleon was doing something similar to Hitler. He was rejecting Usury and the bankers formula. Napoleon restored law and order to a chaotic post-revolutionary France. One of his goals was to create an independent bank of France. This obviously is unacceptable to the bankers. Once again, war was declared to intimidate France into enslaving themselves with the banks. It is nearly the same exact story as Adolf Hitler. As they say, all wars are banker wars. The damage doesn’t end with the war, however, in our history books it is written that Napoleon was an awful man.

I know in my mind, both Hitler and Napoleon were evil and vile people. In my head, the good guys continued to win, but I should have known that wasn’t true. It is clear to me now that the bad guys have been winning for a very, very long time. Everything is inverted. What is right is wrong and what is wrong is right. It is so backwards that now there is a theory that the original Israel was located in America. We have artifacts in a restricted area of the Grand Canyon that suggest that the Egyptians were here, in America prior to anybody else. Israel is named after Egyptian Gods, IsisRaEl. Go ahead and research each of those names.

We all have to learn all over again, because everything that we were taught was a lie. The old phrase, “history is written by the victors” is clearly true. All of the leaders who went against the bankers have been painted as awful people. I am currently observing teenagers writing on Meta social networks (Facebook, Instagram and Threads), and they all think that abolishing the Federal Reserve will leave us all in financial ruin. If we can abolish it, we will have a chance at true Freedom. We are so used to our chains that we are blind to our jails. We are prisoners.

By exploiting my inherit motivator, my libido, I was tricked into installing Threads and I was able to witness the degeneracy and lack of knowledge in our young. The only things allowed to be posted is democratic propaganda. Now, I speak poorly of Democrats, but I do not think Republicans are better. Both sides are puppets and this is how they maintain their control over not only us, but the entire world. I do not believe Donald Trump is our savior, but I do consider him a wild card and the only chance we have at turning this around. I am hoping he is truly trying to destroy the bankers, but I guess we’ll see.

I worry a lot about Trump and I have a pretty strong suspicion that he is the biggest deception yet. I have another recording from a Freemason where they state the plan is to crown Trump as the King of Israel. I find this very strange, but I wouldn’t be surprised. Unfortunately, his bloodline runs strongly with the Jews. Every one of his children aside from one are married to a Jew. Israel seems to favor Trump as well. I am hopeful that he is truly the King of deception and that is what he is doing to Israel, making it appear he is in their favor. John F Kennedy had a family of deceivers as well.

This is another documentary that provides an alternative storyline to Napoleon and his struggles. Anyone who turns against the Freemasons I consider righteous.

Napoleon Bonaparte’s Struggle Against the Rothschilds and Freemasonry (Documentary)

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