MK Ultra Trance: The Cathy O’Brian Story

Alice in Wonderland

After the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump on July 13th of 2024 (Yesterday), I decided to post more about MK Ultra as it was a project designed for this purpose. They have been configuring the minds of our children to be subjected to triggers that bring out a second personality that they can control. It is the method of brain control that has proven to work. I am not sure I need to go into the details of how it works, but it doesn’t hurt to reiterate it as I say it differently every time and I have learned more since the last time I had touched on it.

I believe a lover in my past was a victim of MK Ultra through her father as she had frequently told me of sexual trauma she had experienced as a toddler. She said she was maybe 3 years old, which is the perfect age for this to be done at. It is important that they get them while their mind is still forming, as they can rewire the brain to form another personality that is brought forward to handle trauma when triggered by a word or phrase. Alice in Wonderland is an infamous cartoon that was used in the MK Ultra projects to embed a trigger into an individuals mind.

Usually the trauma done is sexual. While they are inducing the trauma they have the subject exposed to a form of media that is hypnotic. It captures the brain and tells it to disassociate from the trauma. Another personality is formed as a defense mechanism, and when the individual encounters this trigger, the second personality is provoked to handle the situation. The brain is completely electrical. The checker board pattern seen in most Alice in Wonderland artwork is a Freemason symbol. You often see it in pop artists performances.

This brings in the purpose of the mRNA vaccine as it allows them to control the mind similar to MK Ultra remotely but on older subjects. They no longer have to compromise these kids, there is no too late. They can get them at any age. That is still a developing research and so I do not want to expand on the theory until we know more. I just wanted to mention the possibility of what they are trying to do to the masses. Some obvious MK Ultra victims are Miley Cyrus, Just Bieber, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, hell, I think 50Cent was one too.

This is a highly interesting documentary that focuses on this form of brain control using Cathy O’Brian as the focus. She was one of the first to come forward about it. The programming often breaks, and we have all seen live on television before. Usually when this happens that person disappears for a bit and returns completely normal. They take them away to re-program them. Every single one of the subjects are assigned a programmer, or a handler. Ray, or Rachel Chandler is a well known programmer who we see with the likes of Eminem and P. Diddy. Her name can be seen as “Child Handler”.

I do have a documentary about her, but I will save that one for later. She is a key character in this chaos. It is important to realize that this is not only done by governmental officials, it is done on the micro scale with your neighborhood pervert. It can be done by anybody, and most of the time it is probably on accident. It is done by fathers AND mothers. The woman involved is the strangest thing to me, but I think it is a power thing. It is the entire purpose of transitioning children, it traumatizes them.

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