Lucifer and Luciferians, the Masters of Deception


I found this today. It is mostly an audio clip but it does include slides to help the narration. I listened to it while I was at work and I learned some new things from it, so I thought I would share. It is about the biological connection with human sacrifice, and it goes over the Luciferian version of the story of Eden. Now, a lot of this you need a basis of understanding what a human being is before you are capable of grasping what he explains. He talks about the energy field every single one of us emits, and how it is craved by these things.

The portion that gained my attention was how they amplify that energy. He states that both pain and pleasure increases the energy, but pain does it much more intensely. He explains that this is why they torture these children until they are near death, but not dead. They drink their blood while they are still alive, but dying, because that is when the blood is most potent with this energy. The blood has many beneficial properties, and it seems they primarily do it to remain connected with the dark energy of Lucifer. This is electromagnetic energy and they call it “loosh”, and it is heightened by pain.

Luciferians have ruled this world since the start of recorded human history. They have been manipulating our societies and making sure that we remain in a state of fear. This is partially the reason they created religion, especially Islam and Christianity. These two religions teach us that we are all sinners, we are all guilty by default and the only way not to be punished when life has ended is by redeeming ourselves through good deeds. This keeps us in a perpetual state of fear. Something that he says that reminds me of something I once wrote, life eats life on this planet.

I used to say that energy consumes energy, and this is essential to survive. It is the simpliest fact of life. The very first rule of survival is that we must take life, we must consume it, we must metabolize it into our own cellular structures. Everything we eat that has energy becomes a part of us. Our health, our surroundings and our mental state composes the aura that we emit. This is where the term “raise your frequency” comes in. This is what it means. By doing good things, taking good care of our bodies and surrounding ourselves with good things, our aura gets stronger.

Lucifer is a fourth dimensional being that they remain in contact with and have been for thousands of years through the ritual of child sacrifice. I won’t call it a her or a she, but an energy as I do not know what this being is. This energy is a parasitic, genderless, phantasmagoria. It can take human recognizable forms, and has throughout time. It is not alone, as there are other fourth dimensional beings like it. These fourth dimensional beings are referred to as a Legion. I have used many terms already that the majority of us have heard of before in movies and television shows.

Almost the entirety of this is transcripted in the video, so I am going to save you guys time and just post the video. They want to keep you ignorant. You must open your mind and stop calling these spiritual entities bogus. They are real, and they are becoming more and more apparent. They must keep their bloodline pure, this is why these bloodlines continue to inbreed. The easiest example I can give you is the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. They are entirely sustained by incest. I’m starting to write again, I will stop here but mention one other imporant thing.

Do yourselves a favor and learn as much as you possibly can while you still can. They need you to not know how this works, and they definitely don’t want you be aware of electromagnetic frequencies as that is how their magic works. It is a very real thing that exists in everything. If you know how to manipulate it, you can literally manifest anything. The entire universe is constructed on a frequency, which is why we are told that the creator spoke it into existence. We were created with words. With vibrations. What happens if that melody changes?

The core of the human heart is love.

Lucifer and Luciferians, Masters of Deception by Chuck Swindoll

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