Jewish Blood Magic and Ritual Murders (Documentary)

Ritual Murder

I am trying to spread my posts out a day at a time at least, but I think the quicker I get all of this information out there, the better. This isn’t hearsay or fiction. It isn’t made up. It isn’t medieval novels about royal bloodlines who tortured their people in dark dungeons. It has existed as long as the Jews have. It is written in their book, and they follow it to the letter. This is why I said that the only good Jew is one that has denounced Judaism. As long as they are practicing, they are evil. It is a fact and it cannot be refuted. It is very interesting, but it is also disappointing because it has held the progress of humanity back.

I used to help at a Charity called C.J. Wilsons Childrens Charity. The man who ran the charity was the pitcher for the Texas Rangers at the time. I met him when I went to his first charity using Guitar Hero as the activity during the fundraiser. I competed against sick kids and I assisted with organizing the brackets for the tournament. It was a really cool experience to say the least. I got involved shortly after suffering from a traumatic brain injury in a roll over car accident. It is strange but true that when tragedy occurs, we tend to be more giving. I wanted to help others.

Those days are long past now that I have to struggle to survive myself, but I feel good about what I did and I will always cherish the memories. It is about the blood. Ironically, the charity I was involved in was concerning blood diseases in children such as Hemophilia. I personally suffer from one called Type 1 Diabetes, but I easily forget about it and rarely think about myself. Hemophilia requires an occasional blood transfusion. C.J. partner at the time (business partner) was a man names Robert Champaign who had a son with Hemophilia. I haven’t heard from in awhile but I do hope his son is doing okay.

It was especially dangerous during the COVID era because there was so much infected blood that could have corrupted our blood supply. It wouldn’t be difficult to accidentally draw blood from a vaccinated person and put it in the same reserve as all of the others. There is a lot of mystery about blood, and it is partially the fascination and the superstition regarding it. 99% of the blood content is considered trash DNA. However, I don’t think that it is. We are composed of energy that has existed since the beginning of time. In our DNA is the entire history of our existence. It just carries on in our blood.

There are rumors, and some evidence to suggest that we inherit talents and memories when we consume the blood of our prey. Have you ever experienced a phantom memory? Something you know you never experienced yourself but it exists in your brain as though you had? Dreaming about things that never happened? There are many stories about people who received a heart transplant and with it they received memories they had never experienced. I am not sure I believe this one, but there is a story about a girl who received a heart, and she fell in love with the person that individual did.

I give it credence due to how I understand Neurons. Memories travel our entire body in our blood in the form of neurons. Neurons are just electricity. The majority of our blood is water. Water is a conductor and it remembers. When you drink heavily and forget the night before, it is because you are dehydrated which makes you unable to create long term memories. Water is an extremely powerful form of storage. It even remembers frequencies that impress it. Everything that exists has a frequency associated with it, and through frequencies we inherit properties that we need to survive.

I have an entire documentary about the secrets of water I will have to post shortly. It is actually on X, and I will include the link here. However, I have yet to speak about this documentary. This one is about murder, blood and the reason they do it.

Jewish Blood Magic and Ritual Murder

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