Jekyll Island: the Truth Behind the Federal Reserve (Documentary)

Federal Reserve

Let’s dive into the Federal Reserve! The Federal Reserve is the source of our global chains. It is neither Federal nor is it a reserve. It was created on December 23rd of 1913 after a series of financial panics that led to the desire for a central control of our monetary system in order to alleviate financial crises. Over the years, events such as the Great Depression in the 1930’s and the Great Recession during the 2000’s have led to the expansion of the roles and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve system. The Federal Reserve was directly responsible for both of those events.

Congress had established three key objectives for the monetary policy in the Federal Reserve Act; Maximizing employment, stabilizing prices, and moderating long-term interest rates. This description was lifted directly from their Wikipedia page, but it can be explained in a much simpler way. The Federal Reserve removed Gold as an asset to back the fiat (paper) dollar. This causes chaos in how our financial system operates. It was once a naturally occuring system that relied on a limited supply of banking notes that stood as proof of the possession of gold. The federal reserve did away with being backed by anything and started printing money as needed.

There is not enough gold in the world to pay back the United States debt. The entire point of a gold backed system was to fluctuate the value of things according to the supply. It would not have allowed us to develop such a massive debt if it was playing within the limitations of the gold standard. The primary issue with the Federal Reserve is that it uses an Usury system on the entire world to be sure everyone remains in debt. The Federal Reserve controls the political actions of every nation that is signed into the Federal Reserve Act. This was the way in which they turned the world against Germany during World War II. Hitler cut the central banking system out and declared financial independence. Judea responded by declaring war.

Hitler versus The Rothschilds

This system has every single one of us enslaved. We were taught that it was just the way it is. Our taxes do not assist with maintaining the American infrastructure. They are not going to improving our roads, our cities or our utilities. They are not going to our veterans who fought bankers wars (Jews) to assist with surviving after enduring trauma during war. They are not going to assist the elderly to live peacefully until they leave the world. They are going to fund foreign governments instead of our own. Our country is crumbling. It is falling apart. It is turning into Weimar Republic of Germany in the 1930’s. Our taxes are going towards destroying our own country. It is funding Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ parades.

If you have a minute, research Weimar Republic of Germany in the 1930’s. This was a time when child prostitution was legalized. It resembled what was going on in San Francisco on the last day of Pride Month of 2024 here in America. They had fetish grounds on public streets with women peeing on men and men walking around in leather animal suits, all exposed to the public including our children. The parents, in pressure to accept this new norm, are laughing and pointing them out to their children. They are adoring them, accepting them and promoting the activity. It is a for sure sign that we are nearing the end of times, unless we can wake up and begin to tell them no. If we need a reason, we need to do it for our children.

We need to keep talking, even if it begins to feel redundant. People need to hear the truth about our world and realize what we have been allowing to happen to us. This is not the way it was supposed to be. We are not protected by the Constitution of the United States because they figured out how to avoid it. They began to create Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s) that were doing business directly with the government, being financed by our tax dollars, but because they are considered non-government, they can violate the constitution. It is happening all of the time. There are some big changes happening right now to restore the power to the people, I just hope it isn’t too late. Hitler tried to warn us.

Adolf Hitler – Freedom or Slavery?

The financial system is the head of the snake. We are currently trying to detach ourselves from it but it won’t be easy. It tends to lead to war, and the masons have three world wars written up. The more we ease into our current political climate the more it seems we have been at war already for quite a long time. Which would mean that Donald Trump is still our Wartime president and the rest of this political theater is a distraction. We cannot confront the enemy directly because of who and what they are. They infiltrated us over a 100 year period, they have held our presidential office and they are the majority of our Military Generals. We cannot just overthrow them. This has to be done tactfully and strategically.

Bitcoin is considered decentralized which makes it very attractive to those who understand the current financial system. This means that all transactions are encrypted and they are in limited supply. It avoids taxation because it has been removed from the banks. Unfortunately there are ways around that, there are hidden fees for every transaction called “gas-fees”, it is just a fee for transferring funds. It is not needed, but it works exactly the same way Usury does. You lose a little with every transaction you make. It is rumored that Bitcoin was the creation of our Federal system and was being tested on the deep web, tricking people to endorse it beforehand as freedom.

All transactions can be monitored, that is why a coin contract is needed. If by theory this was launched by our federal government, and they have caught all those who were trafficking children, then I have my own theory that it was the tool they used to catch them. It was a weapon, and if this is true, it worked wonderfully. I like the idea of Bitcoin but I can see them placing a devalued fiat currency in front of it like a gate, just like they did with the federal reserve, that says it is worth this much but the backing isn’t actually there. You will never be able to trade your money in for gold, and that was the entire point.

Adolf Hitler on Marxist Economics

Even the stock market is now controlled. It is not a system based on supply and demand, or potential. It is completely controlled. Look into RoaringKitty of the Gamestop stock market. He is showing us how it works and he does it so easily. He has been controlling the fluctuation and streaming it for all of us to witness. The value of stock is not as random as we are led to believe. Our lottery system is being used to financially reward crisis actors when they perform to mislead us in something such as a school shooting. Everything is controlled. Nothing is random. It is genuinely a scripted world.

Did you know that all of those who were against the establishment of the Federal Reserve were passengers of the Titanic? What do you think the chances are that was a planned execution? JP Morgan got out of it at the last minute. It is said that he sunk the Titanic intentionally in order to establish the Federal Reserve. It makes you think twice about all the accidents that happen in the world. When natural disasters occur is when they harvest children for trafficking. Think things such as Tsunamis and Wildfires. Think about all of the missing children that vanished during the Maui fire (Lahaina). Think about how Oprah took the opportunity to land grab more of the natives land.

The Federal Reserve was a Jewish creation. Feminism is Jewish. Gun control is Jewish. Pornography is Jewish. LGTBQ degeneracy is Jewish. COVID was Jewish. Nazism is Jewish. Satanism/Luciferianism is Jewish. I bet you even Bitcoin is Jewish. They are only 0.2% of the global population. List of Jewish heads of state and government. How is this possible? It is mathematically improbable that they would have this much power with such a low number of the population. Taxes are used to keep us in manageable financial brackets. Real financial fortune is gatekept by the Freemasons.

Jewish Expulsion

The Jews continue to be expelled from countries due to how they handle money. They have been banned from 1030 countries to date and it is still counting. Every time they are found out, they get banned, in many locations they have to be removed multiple times. They never change. They lay low until they recover and have managed to gain important roles in economics, then they repeat the pattern. They continue to destroy civilizations with degeneracy, then make them unable to fight back because of their debts. It is a constant theme and it never ends.

Theoretically, or according to this “plan” we are currently executing. All debts will be paid off because we have already paid it through taxation theft. Look into the Executive Orders for Gesara and Nesara. It is said that the bankers are already dead, their properties have been seized as well as the Federal Reserve and IRS being dissolved. We have not seen the disclosure on this yet. Everything is functioning the same as the public needed to be educated about who the enemy was prior to anything being exposed.

You may wonder how they use the Federal Reserve as a weapon. They have the ability to turn off your bank accounts. They can forbid you from being employed. They can have you banned from Airlines among many other public places. This is exactly why they want to implement Central Bank Digital Currencies, this would give them absolute control on everything. They would be able to use a social credit program to have you do things that you would otherwise not do, because they will report it as good on your credit score. It will be the total loss of freedom.

People are waking up to it rapidly right now. This should be the final year of being in the dark. If it is not, we are genuinely screwed.

Jekyll Island – The Federal Reserve

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