Israel & The Assassination of the Kennedy Brothers

The Kennedy Brothers

It has been awhile since I have posted anything to the website again. I have to admit that I get distracted with the convenience of social media, and I feel that because of the ease of access, the things we are trying to share get further. It is an unfortunate fact that the majority of the general population think of the internet as a social platform. Social media was created quite a bit later to enable us the ability to discuss information instantaneously, which resulted in accelerating the development of our research. We were able to discover things from across the world and quickly communicate with scientists and researchers on the other side of the Earth, allowing us to collectively focus on something else. It increased our progress with data exceptionally fast.

I don’t need to explain that, I think we are pretty aware. The internet itself was likely a governmental project, but we don’t know the truth of it. The deep web or dark web, is really just the internet without filtration. The clearnet is what we have easy access to and it is heavily filtered information. There was an email between Hillary Clinton and somebody else, I don’t recall it otherwise I would post it with this, but she was expressing concern with the invention of the internet because they could not intercept and edit information before it was received by the public. It posed as a great danger to who they are, what they were doing, and why they are doing it. Which I think is what we are currently learning about. Below is the famous speech about secret societies.

I attempted to post this documentary on X, the platform that is for restoring our freedom of speech, but it was taken down a few hours later. It bothers me quite a bit, because I want to believe that our upcoming administration is truly trying to restore the Constitutional Republic and the rights of the people. I am going to talk about Operation Trust a bit because it is an important, often ignored, strategy used during the Russian Revolution against their own people to make them docile and not try to prevent things from happening. The Russian Revolution should be called the Bolshevik Revolution as it was a Talmudic Jewish take over of the country. They slaughtered over 60 million Christians. Russia was and I believe still is a Christian territory.

The reason I feel it is important to talk about that is because it had worked quite well for the Bolsheviks. They are still with us today and are likely the ones who are in control. Their method is through infiltration using deception and propaganda. Our media serves one purpose and it isn’t to entertain, that is just what holds your attention. Brainwashing has been thoroughly studied as a method to control a body of people. We have been told about different projects and we have been told that they had stopped running them, but who really believes that? MK Ultra is mind control through trauma. It compartmentalizes memories, and our memories tell us who we are and how to act.

Project Mockingbird is repeating a lie on all of our devices simultaneously, to the point that people begin repeating them in discussions with their peers. It begins to become the truth. People have gotten lazy and they do not take the time to verify what they are told, especially when it is given to them by a source that they respect. The Board of Education was a concept created by the Rockefellers, and Jimmy Carter was the president to have it implemented into the American Education system. What it does is streamline what they teach. They are told what to teach the students and all of them teach that same, exact, thing across the country. This gives them early access to our childrens minds and makes it fairly easy to spread a lie.

I don’t like to point it out, but the Rockefellers are Jewish, just like the Rothschilds. I don’t think I need to explain the Rothschids control on our monetary system. It is just another branch to their control mechanism. They write our history books and they distribute them to our schools. The schools teach these fabricated books of history to their students and the students grow up thinking exactly the same. So, history is the subject that is particularly important. We have all been taught that Adolf Hitler was the most evil man to ever exist and that he had tried to commit genocide to the Jewish people. We are quickly learning that this was not true. They claim that Hitler wanted to control the world, but it looks like the Zionists are the ones who want that.

Israel was created by the Rothschilds in 1948, at the time Palestine was controlled by Great Britain. The Haavara Agreement was made between Hitler and the German Zionists to safely deport the Jewish people from Germany and into Palestine. There was no plan to exterminate the Jewish people. There is no question that awful things were done to Jewish people at that time, as awful things had happened to all people of all creeds during the war. Our history books teach us about the Holocaust, but they never mention the Holodomor, which was the execution through starvation that they had done to the Ukranians in 1932 and 1933. The Russian Revolution was done in 1917 and over 60 million Christians were eliminated.

So, the Jewish people were doing this prior to World War 2 beginning with Russia, trickling down into Germany, and now it is global. There is so much to go over and I keep getting sidetracked. I want to mention one more thing. The Scofield Bible. This was a bible hijacked and rewritten by a Rabbi to convince people of Christian faith in the west to be allies by default with Israel. They are posing as the holy land and God’s chosen people. Judeo-Christianity is not compatible. It is all a lie. I won’t rant about that in this post as this is supposed to be about the Kennedy’s and their assassination. This video was removed by X and so I wanted to get it uploaded here to keep it safe. I do have it hosted on Rumble as well which I will add the link to below.

Watch this documentary and let it turn the gears of your cognition.


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