A comprehensive documentary that unveils the hidden truths behind the creation of the State of Israel and its subsequent events.
Israel was the creation of the Rothschilds, or sometimes referred to as the bankers. In many ways it can be considered an extension of the United States government, often referred to as the Deep State. I have also heard Ukraine called the Deep State. If the celebrities visit often and have dual citizenry, it is probably a location of human trafficking. There is plenty of evidence spread out across the internet to prove that.

The state of Israel is the headquarters of the Zionists. They have only one mission, and that is to usher in their Messiah. In order to do this they must destroy western civilization. Specifically Christian and Islamic nations. Germany has already been conquered, they have done a pretty good job on London and France. It looks like Ireland is gone. Australia appears to be finished as well. America is currently being flooded with immigrants to muddy our blood. We will never be able to restore it to its former glory again.
They are indiscriminate on who they want to remove from the equation, so long as the White Bloodline is nullified. Prior to all of this I was very close to being an atheist. I was dating, was actually engaged to a woman that considered herself Godless. I adored her, but I did express to her that I believed in some kind of creator, I just did not assign myself to any established belief system. I think right and wrong can be understood without the threat of consequence or reward after death. I do not believe that is necessary to do the right thing. On the contrary, if it is the reason you do the right thing, I don’t think you are good person.

Israel has been executing terrorist events since their creation. They have directly attacked the United States again and again, yet they have the US calling them their greatest ally. They refer to their own military as the most moral army on Earth. Basically, everything they accuse others of doing is a confession of what they have done. They are masters of social engineering and manipulating the masses. They have created so many special interests groups to ensure we are never in agreement and constantly fighting over nuances. They are the source of every issue the world is currently facing.
This documentary explains who and what they are. It exposes their beliefs and what their end game goal is. It does not matter if you do not believe in these things, because they do. It is still a bankers war in the name of a God. Their God is Lucifer. I will be posting a few follow up documentaries that will help people understand why this is happening, and why the division of the people is so important to them. They fear us coming together to confront and conquer the evil in our midst. That is exactly what we need to do. I will let the documentary present the facts.

Without antisemitism, these people would simply be called evil. I will be posting some documentaries about the Federal Reserve and its creation soon. It is a very important element to history as it is the source of their power. They control the money, this is how they turned the world against Germany and why Judea declared war on them. It was because Hitler banned Usury, and freed his people. Nationalism should be something that we all honor, it is important to care for and defend your people. It does not mean you hate others.
Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, JFK, Lincoln, Gaddafi etc., all banned Usury and were killed for it. They attempted to smear all of their reputations prior to the assassination. And it worked! All of them were strong leaders who were Nationalists, but some are remembered fondly while others have been condemned. This operation is truly clever and has required patience. I am extremely worried about our future.
X Link: In The Name of Zion
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