Europa: The Last Battle (Documentary)

Europa: The Last Battle

This one has exploded in popularity recently. It was created in 2017 by a lone researcher by the name of Tobias Bratt. The documentary is considered a Neo-Nazi propaganda film, but it has been evaluated again and again for validity and continued to pass for accuracy. This one is common to be the introduction to a lot of peoples awakening. It changes the way people think of history entirely. It is 12 hours long, but it starts at the beginning and goes over everything we were taught in school. After seeing this film you begin to question everything that you were taught.

Once you begin to connect the dots and you realize that these people own our education system and all of our media, you begin to understand how they have been able to keep us in the dark. They perpetuated hatred to make sure we continued to fight among ourselves and be divided. They lied about slavery. They lied about the Holocaust. They lied about 9/11. This began a long, long time ago. They used false flags to cause wars between their enemies and weaken them. They started World War 1, they started World War 2 and they are starting World War 3.

This goes back way before Adolf Hitler, but the installation of Israel was done by Jewish Bankers in 1948. Israel has been where they have been operating from while they infiltrated every major government in the world. Through Bolshevism they murdered far more Christians and Aryan blood before, during and after the war. It has always been them. It has been an extremely complicated history, and it has all been done with deception. They created secret societies such as the Freemasons and Illuminati. These secret societies were assigned to different countries with the intention of taking them over.

No one has done more for peace than Adolf Hitler

The one in charge of America is the illuminati. These organizations specifically worship Lucifer. Judaism’s God is Lucifer. They believe that through ritual they can generate energy that develops into manifestations. These rituals are often in the form of human sacrifices, particularly children. Not only do they sacrifice them, but they harvest their blood after torturing them. Torturing them releases Adrenaline, while it is in the bloodstream it is oxidized, which potentiates it. This substance is called Adrenochrome. It can cause schizophrenia, but pretty much it is an intense hallucinogen that also benefits the subject with age reduction. It slows aging, but doesn’t reverse it.

Have you ever noticed how long the bankers live? They profit from these children. They rape them, they harvest their blood for the youthful benefits, and they harvest their organs, then they sell it all, sometimes they consume their flesh. All of these things benefit them. These are the people that we call the elites. Most of them are our celebrities. The strategy is to purchase influence. That way they can convince people that right is wrong. Jewish supremacy is responsible for Gun Control, Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ, Transsexuals, Feminism, Homosexuality, and pretty much any type of degeneracy you can imagine. It is a psychological weapon and it is working.

Sorry, I got carried away. I don’t want to just post these documentaries without any context. I will post additional videos about the secret societies. I started with them before I found out about who they were comprised of. The secret societies are Judaism for Non-Jews. I will post additional videos that dissects their holy books. The Torah and the Talmud. It is written in their books. They are God’s people, just not our God. The sooner we realize this the sooner we may be able to do something about it. It is getting frustrating watching how slowly the world is catching on and it is getting harder to live day to day tolerating it.

Peace for the entire human community

Watch this and let your journey begin. Adolf Hitler was trying to save the world. Judea declared war on Germany because he rebelled against Usury which was a way for them to enslave nations. They controlled them with debt. We have all been enslaved and we don’t even realize it. That is why a credit score is needed for any major purchase. Hitler made Germany prosper, all of those people following him were not doing it because he scared them. They were doing it because they loved him and they would rather die for him. Germany was a haven for a short duration of history. Hitler wanted us to notice and figure it out.

Instead the bankers used the leverage they had on the worlds economy to turn the world against Germany. They control people with blackmail. I think we all know how Epstein worked by now. Israel attacked themselves on October 7th to give justification to genocide Palestine. We have been lied to about everything. We are the bad guys. They created Antisemitism to hide their crimes, because if you accuse the Jews of doing anything it is worse than the crime itself. Okay, I am done.

Watch this. You can also watch it at the following link if you’d rather:

Europa: The Last Battle

I was unable to get the documentary hosted on Rumble so I uploaded it to my own FTP server. It may be a bit slow but at least it works for now. Please be patient while it loads, this documentary is worth it. I also made it so you can download it, sometimes that is better.

X Link: Europa: The Last Battle

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