Car Crash (November 2022)

I had abandoned the Mofobian brand at the beginning of my relationship, but that story has concluded and I now have all of my time back to pursue my original ambitions. I am going to refrain from speaking about the relationship and what happened to respect the other party involved. I have already attempted to speak about it but it is completely unnecessary and does intrude on their privacy, even if unintentionally. This post will be about a traumatic event that happened succeeding our departure from one another. I will cover the basics to explain why I was out on the road that night.

We had broken up in October of 2022, and at the time I was in search of an apartment or a living arrangement to survive on my own. I was dismissed from the house due to my dissatisfaction with the lack of effort to attain our own grounds to live on and begin building our own lives. The primary issue in this situation was my lack of credit to sign onto a loan with the banks to assist financing our home. I was raised to avoid debt at all costs, as this empowers those that you are indebted to. It allows them to wrap chains around your ankles and make you perform tasks you otherwise wouldn’t do to pay it back.

The reason Judea declared was on Germany and Adolf Hitler is because Adolf was against Usury. Usury is an interest system to be sure an individual is required to pay back more than they took. If someone is required to take loan, they are probably unlikely to be able to pay it back in the first place. The debt increases slowly over time due to developed interests. Adolf was able to make Germany a superpower in a mere 6 years by distancing his economy from the world banks and removing debt from their society. Nobody talks about this, and we have been taught to see Adolf as the most vile and evil man to ever live.

The reason I am making this statement is that I saved my money for 2 years in order to purchase a vehicle with cash. This avoided attaining debt or making me responsible for a regular payment, insuring that I remain employed in order not to miss one and attain additional debt. I did not participate in anything, I did not go to events, I did not go out nightly drinking, as these are all meant to drain your pockets and make you rely on borrowed money. So I sacrificed being socially active to secure a financially free future. However, I was not aware of how the credit system worked, which made debt into a currency that was needed to borrow enough money to buy land and/or a home.

So when we decided to begin looking for a place of our own, it wasn’t possible with a partner who had zero credit. I began to speak of getting an apartment to develop personal credit and enable myself to participate in signing a loan to get us some property. We desperately needed our own space and privacy. I was given until the end of the year to try and find a place to live, I was able to find some at reasonable prices later but it was too late. I had been removed from the home. I did not go alone, and I do believe she did this out of love. She sent me away with our “committment” animal, his name was Baby. A pomeranian. He is still with me and we are both pretty healthy.

Shortly after leaving we decided to go our separate ways and figure life out on our own. It was a mutual decision and I know we both feel that it was the right thing to do. So I won’t talk about that anymore. I was out looking for a place to live and found somewhere I could actually afford to live comfortably with my dog. I had gathered all of the documentation and was heading home, but I had a gift card from Christmas to go to a movie theater and see a movie free of charge. So I decided to do that as a little mini celebration of my success at finding a place to live. I chose the movie “Smile”.

I wasn’t enjoying the movie and left early. I was nearly home. I was navigating a windy and bumpy country road and I was on an ascent where the road turned left at the top but you cannot see beyond it. As I was nearing the top a bright flash of lights flooded through my windshield and blinded me momentarily. If you have ever been on country roads late at light, it is common for drivers to have their brights on as it is exceptionally dark and lacks street lights. It took me by surprise and by reflex I jerked the steering wheel to the right. This caused me to go off the road and impact with a tree.

The impact flipped the car on its side and lit on fire. I was suspended in the drivers seat by my seat belt but was able to successfully unbuckle it and fall against the passenger side window. I was in shock and staring out my windshield, just kind of thinking about the situation I was in and thinking to myself “not again” as I have been in terrible car accidents before. The cab began to fill with smoke and I was having difficulty breathing. I realized if I did not do something I would suffocate, so I started elbowing the windshield as hard as I could but was unable to break it.

I could hear what sounded like water being sprayed on the car. I imagined that perhaps the owner of the land was using a farming vehicle to try and put out the fire, but now I know it was the sound of metal being forged by the heat. I started kicking the windshield instead until it finally broke enough for me to be able to clear it out with my hands and push it outward. I crawled out of the car and could hear someone yelling for me to get further away from it. There were two individuals near the barbwire fence, who I now think were the people in the car that had blinded me.

I do not blame them and am thankful that they stopped to help me. It was a very cold night so I began to crawl back to the car to get near the fire for warmth. They threw me their jackets while we waited for the emergency vehicles. It wasn’t too long until a helicopter had landed and the paramedics were cutting my clothes off. They took me to the Burn Unit, Parkland Hospital of Dallas Texas. I wasn’t there very long but being bedridden allows a lot of time to do research. This is where I learned the most about history and the secret societies. The psychological operations that our own country has been deploying on their citizens. Especially MK Ultra, which I think is responsible for a lot of what had happened with my ex.

I had a lot of epiphanies while there and how they were directly involved in the direction my life was going for quite a long time. That a lot of evil had found its way in. That is a discussions for another time. This is about the car accident and now that I have told the story I want to provide media. I have a video of it but it isn’t on any of my devices. I will add it to this post later if I find it again. These pictures are of my injuries. I burned 70% of my body and broke my back. I also broke my clavicle (collar bone). The funny thing is that I am functioning better than I ever did before as this incident assisted in saving my life both physically and mentally. I have a clean diet and I have removed most of the sources of toxins that I ingested before.

The accident saved my life in many ways.

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