Auschwitz – The Surprising Hidden Truth (Documentary)


The Holocaust is probably the biggest lie in history and they still push it as an excuse to justify their actions. To deny it is anti-semitic and there are laws in many countries that demand punishment when this law is violated. They have made it illegal to question history, when questioning what we are told is the exact thing that we need to continue to do. What exactly is so bad about questioning it if it is an undeniable truth and there is evidence to prove that it happened? The crazy part about this lie is that in contrast, over 66 million Christians of Aryan blood were executed after the war in a holodomor.

A holodomor is taking the food away from prisoners and letting them starve to death. This documentary studies Auschwitz and tries to make the evidence of the massacre make sense. The issue is, anyone who evaluates the evidence provided finds many reasons why it could not possibly be true. We all know about the Wooden Door theory on the gas chambers, but that is not the only one that completely debunks it as a historical fact. They have been using it as a way to get privileges and punish people for being hateful. To question Jewish history is anti-semitic.

Adolf Hitler – Antisemitism will Spread

Why would a race feel they need to be protected from Gentiles asking questions? I expected African Americans to get laws passed to protect them from hatred long before the Jews. Why are they favored? What influence do they have on us that gives them so much power? The Jews owned the slave trade. The Jews burn Palestinian babies in ovens. The Jews are the definition of hate and they created a way to get away with it. Auschwitz is probably the most famous location they they say the Jews were exterminated at. Even Elon took a visit with Ben Shapiro and ended up defending it as a fact.

The Jewish Talmud (Babylonian) encourages them to deceive the Goy. So deception is written into their lifestyle. We can never trust a Jew, no matter how badly we want to. Anyway, I wanted to get this one up to go with the Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax. Auschwitz is basically a vacation location at this point for people who enjoy history. Nothing but another money maker. They published movie after movie about the Holocaust to generate money for their nefarious ways. They learned how to target the human heart strings and make it react emotionally to their desires.

All of this is about bringing their Messiah back. They have been working towards a resurrection of Lucifer for thousands of years.


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