This website used to be about video gaming, but since I realized how quickly we are losing our freedoms and our entire country to a foreign agency, I changed my direction to assist with the great awakening. I hate the terminology used, as the awakening is far different than the woke agenda, it is a very important mission to assist as we may not have a country of our own next year. People waking up to the truth was happening too slowly for me. I only wanted to do my part in the mission.
I removed all of the video game related content and began to post the documentaries I had watched that assisted with the inspiration to begin researching on my own. I started to get a glimpse into the truth through the aquisition of the platform Twitter which is now known as X, because during its transition the truth was permitted to be spoken. I began by looking into Freemasonry, and when I learned who was involved in these secret societies, I began to research their history and found that they were all based in Judaism.
When we think about the Jews we cannot forget about World War 2 and the accusations they have made about Hitler and his hatred of them. Once you begin to look into it you find that Hitler did not hate them, and he did not hate the blacks either, he simply stood by his people and cared for them. This is what defines a National Socialist. Keeping your peoples bloodline pure as opposed to poisoning it with another. The issue he faced was the debt of his people, so he cut off the central banks and began to create his own money. To have an independent economy.
Through the central banks the Jews controlled the world. When he did this, they used the influence they had on other nations to turn them against Germany. Judea declared war. Germany did incredibly good against the numbers that they faced, but they were simply overwhelmed. The point of this story is that Adolf Hitler was fighting for the truth and the good of the worlds people. He wanted us to notice how well his nation was prospering and to realize how Judea had enslaved the world. We did not win World War 2.
We fought for the wrong side and we defended the communists. They accused Hitler of wanting world domination, which is exactly what they have been working to do. They have been demoralization us and they are almost done. We have to stand up now before it is too late. The flood of immigrants is to muddy our waters and endanger our people. Nazis were not National Socialists, they were Ashkenazi Jews, who were still playing the game of deception that the Jews are famous for. They infiltrated the German military and made the National Socialists appear evil.
It was more so Hitler versus the Nazis rather than Hitler and the Nazis. He knew, and this is not just nation versus nation, this was Good versus Evil. There is no such thing as Judeo-Christian, as the two belief systems are in complete opposition. The Jews believe they are God’s chosen people, and they are, but they fail to reveal that their God is Lucifer. We are closer to an Islamic nation than anything else, but our nation was built on the principles of the Christian God who preached love.
Which is where the irony of Pride comes from. They purposely created movements such as feminism and the LGBTQ agenda to implement deep degeneracy into our society which would slowly weaken and destroy our nation. We no longer create strong men, and we do not fight for our families or our people. This website was specifically launched to speed up the awakening process, because we are running out of time. Please allow it to at least inspire you to search for the truth. Fact checkers were created to deter us from the truth. The Jew’s holy book permits them to lie to us gentiles.
They own and control all of our media and sources of information. They control our education system. They are in charge of the majority of our social media. They have penetrated our governments legal and court systems. Everything they believe in permits evil to be done to us without consequence. Please start looking into and realize that Hitler was right. His people were not blindly following him. He brought them peace and prosperity, they believed in him and would rather die than let their nation fall.
Why do you think that was?