This I feel is an extremely important discussion to have, and we need more people aware of the danger that we are in. As we should all know by now, frequencies are the most powerful thing in the universe. They may be the melody that is holding everything together. Frequency is electricity, it is energy. The sun emits it constantly at an extremely high level. It is measured by how many times a pattern is repeated. I am unsure of exactly how they measure it, but I do know that the ranges are spectrums. So they are in a range of different levels. There is extremely low frequency (ELF) which is dangerous as it pretty much avoids your biological shield (Biofield) and is able to influence the brain.
Radar is frequency. All of your devices that are capable of emitting 5G are also capable of scanning the environment and communicating a map of its surrounding back to the emitter. They can use any of the devices in your home to “X-Ray” your surroundings and give them an impression of your location. All of our homes are currently discreetly mapped by our Wifi routers. Most modern printers are able to broadcast and receive. All of our phones are personal radars. They have the entire planet on constant surveillance through this technology. However, the real danger is how it influences biological matter to cause illness that we are told is natural, such as cancer.
They wanted every single home in America equipped with a Smart Meter, which would monitor all activity on your devices across their network and be able to measure it, like water usage, to bill you accordingly. That in itself is irritating, but it isn’t what makes it dangerous. They have erected GWEN towers spread out across the United States which gives them the ability, if so they choose, to wipe out all biological organisms within range. Think about Nikola Tesla’s “Death Ray” weapon. They already have it, and they have it prepared for something. I think they want civil unrest and they want to demonstrate their power to control mobs of people with the press of a button. To keep us in line.

Who would disobey knowing that they can target individual people and eliminate them with a simple press of a button? As we improve our Artificial Intelligence, how long do you think it would take them to design AI to trigger an extermination event if certain rules are violated? Maybe you could only take certain rations from the communities food supply, and you accidentally took an extra portion. The radar system would communicate this violation back to a central surveillance system and automatically execute this person for the horrible crime. Or perhaps the population has gone over their acceptable threshold, so they just press a button and kill a certain number of people to bring it back down.
This is a very good documentary on the dangers of frequency and that real doctors, real engineers, people with knowledge had tried to warn them to get it shut down. During COVID they took this opportunity to erect 5G towers all over the place, primarily near schools which is extremely dangerous because younger bodies are more fragile to frequencies. I have personally been trying to remove all of my devices that operate wirelessly and replace them with the wired alternative again. The reason being that most of us have been feeling a lot of the symptoms associated with radiation and rather than to address the source of the issue, we are buying into pharmaceuticals to treat the symptoms. Such as difficulty to sleep and headaches.
Peripherals like wireless headphones are a constant frequency pointed directly at your skull. The good news is that the wired version of these devices are now cheaper than the wireless one. I highly recommend everybody begin investing in Faraday storage units. I am going as far as to make a building in my backyard that blocks frequencies so that I can get away when I need a moment to heal or think. A faraday cage blocks frequencies from entering it. John McAfee was seen locking himself in faraday rooms near the time he disappeared. The video below shows water that was frozen while absorbing different frequencies emitted by words spoken.
Don’t choose convenience over your health, especially for your children. They have us setup for complete control. If you are a gamer, you know about Crowd Control, and that is exactly its purpose. To control. For these wireless companies, we are consenting to being their test subjects. None of this has been tested, and in the paperwork we sign we acknowledge that we are being exposed to dangerous elements. I feel like everything in the universe is operating on a gazillion tiny gears, and light gives them power to operate in the pattern that it influences them with. That is the best analogy I can express.
Electricity is infinite and constant, it is always there. Our cells are electrical. It is said that God “spoke” our universe into existence. Witchcraft is based on chanting a frequency until the gears start turning towards what they desire. Performances, such as concerts and Football games are massive rituals. All of the cheering and singing are emitting a desired frequency. They have all of the fans participating which enhances the strength of the frequency. Everything in duality, meaning that although frequency can be a weapon, it is also extremely powerful in medicines and influencing your body to heal.
Water remembers the patterns it is impressed with. That is why living water is such a strong substance to consume. As water travels in nature and is exposed to the patterns emitted by the environment, it expresses those patterns within the body after consumption and gets cells to start behaving for a purpose. Frequency is radiation so it radiates your cells. It remembers elements such as copper, iron and magnesium. It remembers poison as well. Water is the strongest element that we know of for memory.
It is all real.
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